Getting Myself to a Healthy Place – Spooky Stuff

Quantum Physics has proven that our consciousness directly impacts the outcome of events. What a stunning revelation.

I’ve been interested in this area for quite some time. My interest was not in the math that supported the new physics but in the proven theories. We are part of the cosmic equation! Grasping these concepts required me to listen, re-listen, read, and re-read countless YouTube videos and books. I am unsure why I continued this journey, but my fascination has not waned. Maybe because these revelations talked about our spirit, our innate being. It is our common denominator.  

How can it be that we go through 15+ years of schooling and never touch on spirit? When we are born, we are pure consciousness, with our senses immediately taking in stimuli and creating a lifelong imprint. We are conscious but have no definitions. It has been said that this is the stage closest to the creator. This is the pureness that we all emanate from.  Imprints ultimately become the ego. Ego is how we see ourselves and the filter we use for all experiences. The problem is that not all filters are healthy, which can blur our understanding of reality.

Ancient and contemporary philosophers and spiritualists speak of our need to see things as they are without the filters of a lifetime skewing the results. This does not mean blindly living life as valuable wisdom and unneeded baggage have been gleaned. It does mean learning to live consciously, noticing without clouding the experiences with past impressions, and living from a place of complete presence.

Part of learning to live from a place of presence has meant identifying and dealing with my adverse reactions to situations. Adverse reactions (triggers) are blocked energy from events often long forgotten but still circulating within the body. We are energetic beings. Being present with these reactions has allowed their release, which, over time, has caused their complete evaporation. Working through my reactions has been an ongoing liberating process that has enabled levity to rise within me. This levity continues to grow daily, and I can’t help but think it is paving the path back to who I truly am.

I am intrigued to discover how my retirement years will continue to unfold when viewing reality from this new vantage point.

